Besides promoting libido, testosterone also helps maintain the hormone balance in the body. It is produced by the testes and by the adrenal glands. Females produce testosterone in smaller amounts. It is also synthesized by the ovaries in the placenta during pregnancy.
Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testes that promotes muscle and bone development in males during puberty. It is also involved in the growth of body hair and helps maintain a sex drive throughout the adult life. It has also been suggested as a “remedy for aging”.
The hormone has two major binding partners in circulation: testosterone itself and the sex hormone-binding globulin. It also metabolizes into neurosteroids, such as the neuropeptides testosterone and testosterone-derived ‘androgenic neurosteroids’, which could mediate the testosterone effects on neural excitability.
Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males. It is also produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands of females. It is important for the growth and development of sex organs, such as the testes and ovaries. It is also necessary for the production of sperm. When testosterone levels are too low, men may experience an inability to produce sperm, infertility, and changes in their sexual function. It also increases the risk of prostate cancer. It has been shown to help regulate the growth of blood cells and to regulate certain hormones.
Testosterone levels can be checked by a blood test. A blood sample is collected from a vein in your arm. If you are fasting before the test, you may experience slight pain. Symptoms usually go away soon after the test. If the test results indicate Low-T, the physician will discuss the risks and benefits of testosterone therapy. You may need to take a second test to ensure the level is correct.
Some men who have low testosterone levels may be at risk of osteoporosis or infertility. Low-T is also associated with obesity, diabetes, and opioid use. Other medical conditions that may cause Low-T include congenital defects, low testosterone levels, and hypothalamus or pituitary gland problems.
Low-T is a condition that can be treated with shots, gels, or patches. Testosterone therapy can be a safe and effective treatment for males with Low-T, and it has been reported to improve males’ moods and anxiety. However, a small percentage of men will experience infertility after treatment.

In addition to treating Low-T, testosterone can be prescribed by a physician to help treat certain medical conditions. It can also be prescribed by people on their own. It is usually covered by health insurance. However, out-of-pocket costs may apply.
Symptoms of Low-T may include body hair loss, muscle bulk reduction, decreased sperm count, swollen breasts, and low self-confidence. These symptoms may not cause infertility, but they can cause erectile dysfunction. Testosterone levels can also be checked by a physician or lab. Some labs use different measurement methods.
Testosterone testing is also used in the evaluation of certain adrenal tumors. It is usually conducted on an outpatient basis. The test can be performed in a medical clinic or laboratory, and is generally covered by health insurance.